I’ve honestly only felt like praying and studying the word with an occasional praise break these past few weeks,” he wrote of Facebook. Forgive the lack of engagement, but things have been taxing. I just haven’t been in a social media mood lately. “I figured I’d also use this as an opportunity to thank everyone for their prayers for Dad as we continue to stand and fight the good fight of faith.

22, he explained that the situation had grown “taxing.” Just over two weeks later, as he celebrated his son’s birthday on Jan. Thanks for all your prayers much love and appreciation to you all,” Price Jr. Coronavirus is just another notch on their belts. Once the frustration and annoyance passed, I reminded myself of their faith and the many challenges they’ve overcome. As many of you know my parents both tested positive for Covid-19. “Happy 89th birthday Dad, I love you and honor you for the measuring stick of a man you’ve been my entire life. Officials at Crenshaw Christian Center East did not immediately respond when contacted for further information of Price’s condition on Wednesday, but his son, Pastor Fred Price Jr., who is now senior leader of the church, revealed more than a month ago, when his father turned 89, that both of his parents had contracted the new coronavirus. I said that our church family, the Body of Christ and the world need Apostle Price more than ever to remain with us as that true beacon of the Father’s Word and example of integrity and truth the world needs so badly now,” Scott added. Price and the beacon of light and truth in teaching the Word that Apostle has been to the body of Christ and to the world. “This morning in prayer, I called on Father God to remember His faithful son and servant, Frederick K.C. Specifically, we need to pray for the complete restoration of Apostle’s lungs, heart and kidneys and any other parts of his body that are now under attack as he remains in the hospital,” Minister Baltimore Scott, the staff administrator for the center's New York operations, announced in a statement on Facebook Sunday. Price to join in a worldwide prayer for the Apostle as he faces the health challenges posed by COVID-19. “Today, I am calling on all members and friends of Crenshaw Christian Center New York and on everyone everywhere who has been touched by the teaching of Apostle Frederick K.C. Price, after a weekslong bout with COVID-19 left him with a ravaged heart, lungs and kidneys.

| Christian Faith Center/FileĪ global call for prayers is now circulating for the 89-year-old founder of the 28,000-member Los Angeles-based Crenshaw Christian Center, Frederick K.C. Price speaks during an evening session at the Vision 2007 conference held at the Christian Faith Center in Seattle, Washington, on March 9, 2007.