Then I make a bunch of batteries and a scanner. I make at least 3 since I will need some for the Seamoth later anyway. The next thing I do is farm what I need to make the seaglide. I make several waterproof crates after I get at least 20 titanium and I drop them below the lifepod. The multi purpose room is great for making all those aesthetic things like beds etc but again, prioritizing materials should come first. The muiltipurpose room is essential ONLY after you have surpassed the use of the solar panels and need a stronger power source and a room to put it in. Bigger base also requires more power and a few solar panels doesn't cut it after your base gets so large. You have to stay hydrated, you need to eat, you have to watch your oxygen, and all those effect how efficiently you gather materials.

The thing you have to remember is that there are multiple things to worry about all at once. Publicado originalmente por RMM:You really want to suggest Titanium conservation is justification? I can gather enough to create a tunnel all the way from the spacewreck to the island, if only I could readily build the damn multipurpose room to be the starting point for the tunnel. I think the reason the islands are hidden are to enhance the sense of exploration and keep the story a suprise - you think it's only an ocean planet, but it turns out there's islands here too. I COULD see them adding the two islands to the skybox, but as they're currently rotating the skybox to show the day / night cycle, it's a question if they can three-layer the skybox two relatively transparent and static that display the islands until they're in rendering distance, and the other that moves and renders the day/night cycle. It's probably a bit of an intensive processing thing to render something at a distance with that loading scheme, so they'd rather have the Aurora rendered to be visible from everywhere and not include the two islands in the mix. They're using a chunk loading process cube area by cube area. But you haven't "jumped the storyline" as much as you do when you go to the island first.Publicado originalmente por DestinKitty:Nova, I think that's because of the trick they're using to render a large Unity world, why they don't render either island to be visible from anywhere on the surface and just the Aurora. Of course, at this point the island gives you "only" the alien tablet, the growbeds, plant samples, and the Bulkhead blueprint. At the lifepod you find a PDA with the rendesvous coordinates, which will lead you to the nearby island. Around pod 19 you will find Rubys and Gel Sacks, allowing you to construct Aerogel and thus the Thermal Power Plant and the Water Filtration Machine. You will be pointed toward the floating island shortly afterwards, via the Lifepod 19 event (Second Officer Keene). That seabase has Multipurpose Rooms, Observatory, Water Filtration Machine, Double Bed, Wall Planter, Spotlight, a databox, several PDAs (5 IIRC), and scattered around it several scanable items, usually including the Thermal Power Plant. That one will give you the location of the Proposed Degasi Seabase (250m), in a different section of the Grassy Plateaus. If you explore that a bit (and who wouldn't, there's Shale Outcrops, Lithium, and Magnetite to be had), you will find a platform with a couple of cargo boxes and an Abandoned PDA. When you are getting close to pod 17 (Grassy Plateau, the one with the red grass), your PDA tells you about a "nearby cave system" - that's the Jellyshroom Caves, the one with the big pink mushrooms (and the Crabsnakes.). you usually get Lifepod 3 (damaged seaglide), then Lifepod 17 (Ozzy). If you're like me, AND want the more "juicy" location. I dislike "jumping" the storyline for an early trip to the floating island.